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Fishing in September at Oak Lake Lodge

Man boating on Oak Lake.
September is a favourite month for many, because it's a time when the leaves have turned on the trees and you can feel the true spirit of fall. Yet, you're probably thinking you have limited choices in September when the weather isn't the greatest.
If you don't mind cooler air, a fly-in fishing trip with us here at Oak Lake Lodge is more invigorating than you think. Especially if you want to get away from the bustle of city life, you have supreme nature here like you've never seen before.
The reason is we're miles away from anything, which means you can truly experience late fall in a pristine way without excessive human tampering. We're one of the few places within North America that allows civilization into such a remote area where you can see unvarnished nature up close all year round.
Why should you visit in September, though, when the weather is chilly? With proper clothing and enjoying our warm cottages, you'll have everything you need to stay comfortable while enjoying nature on the cusp of winter. This still includes fishing on Oak Lake.

Temperatures in September

Each cottage here has a wood stove so your entire quarters are toasty warm all day and night. In each cottage, you'll have everything you need, including A-list service you only find in big hotels. With our screened-in porches outside, you can blend the warmness of your cottage with the invigorating late fall air outside.
This isn't to say spending time outdoors won't benefit you greatly. The temperatures aren't anywhere near what you'd get going to a skiing resort this time of year. Even so, cool rains do fall, and sometimes early snow begins.
The air here, though, is something you need to experience in person. When you're this far away from civilization, you'll notice a purity in the air like you've never experienced after living for years in a busy metropolis.

Fishing in September

The fishing season is close to ending, but fish still bite through September. With the cooler temperatures, they'll be even hungrier in the mornings than they were in August. It's why it's worth spending some time in one of our private boats on Oak Lake to help you commune with nature during the true heart of autumn.
Our fishing guides are available year-round as well, and they can show you how to get the most out of September fishing. We do have a catch and release policy for all fish, so we'll show you how to adhere to this while keeping the fish from injury.
Before you make those final plans for your next fly in fishing trip, contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our lodge, send you more information or schedule you for our all-inclusive package.
Contact us to find out more about our vacation packages. Experience exclusive access to nature like you never have to get you back in harmony with the earth.

Fishing in Canada

Fly-in fishing business trip group photo.
02 May, 2020
Now that spring is here, your team of employees in your company possibly feel overworked and need time away from their desks. Rather than have individual employees take time off for their own vacations, why not go together on a getaway business trip? If you've never heard of our fly-in fishing vacation package here at Oak Lake Lodge, you're in for the business trip discovery of your life. We're an exclusive vacation spot located around upper northwestern Ontario, Canada that's also one of the most pristine places on earth. With our lodge located along Oak Lake, you can only reach us by plane, which creates a great escape away from industry and crowded tourist spots. If you're a company that's grown tired of city bustle and pollution, visiting us as a communal business trip will make you think you've entered paradise. We've had many companies use our lodge for group business trips, and they've all cited their experience as the best time away they've ever had. Even those who've visited the greatest tourist locales in the world found the lack of crowds and industry here a wonder to behold. When you choose to have a business trip with us, you'll have experiences you won't find in other remote locations. Because we only allow 32 people in our lodge at a time, your entire staff can enjoy everything exclusively. What kind of fun will you have here together? If you're visiting to do some minimal work, the nature that surrounds you will make work a real pleasure.
pelicans on the English river system.
02 May, 2020
Now that summer is about here, what have you planned in the way of a summer vacation? The concept of a fly-in fishing vacation probably never crossed your mind when all of the usual places seem to always go at the top of the list. This includes camping, spending time on a beach, or perhaps even going overseas to supposedly peaceful and quiet places. Yes, we know all of the above don't always turn out perfect. You perhaps still have nightmares about last summer's vacation when everything became more chaotic than you planned. While you probably tried to wipe out those realities to maintain a sense that you had a relaxing vacation, tourism is a big problem in most vacation spots. We're a whole other world away from any tourist chaos here at Oak Lake Lodge. Located within Ontario, Canada's remote wilderness, we're one of the supreme vacation destinations in the world when it comes to finding nature non-disturbed by humans. Considering we only let in about 32 people at a time in the area, you never have to experience excessive crowds. Ultimately, we're your better source for a truly peaceful summer vacation. In what ways are we better, though, than all of your standard vacation destinations? Let's take a look at why you should choose us over any other summer vacation plan you typically place first.
Fly-in Fishing Honeymoon Trips
02 May, 2020
A fly-in fishing vacation probably sounds like an unusual choice for a honeymoon after being married. Yet, when you see what we offer here at Oak Lake Lodge, you might change your mind over visiting any other place in the world. The same could be said of any vacation you'll ever take based on three coveted concepts: Peace, quiet, and privacy. If you have no prior experience with honeymoon vacations, then you probably think you can still find a place with privacy and pure nature. Unfortunately, the reality is a huge wake-up call. All you have to do is ask friends or family about their own past honeymoons and they may tell some troublesome stories about running into situations they didn't expect. Many of those situations are encountering excessive tourists or overly thin walls in swanky resorts or hotels. Both of those are things that anyone on a honeymoon obviously don't want. Regardless, it's still tolerated by many married couples, especially in the summer when so many people are freshly married and on their honeymoon vacations. Unless you're a multimillionaire and can afford a deserted island to escape to (which isn't most of us), you probably wish for better options on your honeymoon. Let us show you why our Oak Lake Lodge is a perfect spot for you and your new spouse. You'll realize that one place still exists on earth where you can enjoy a vacation living up to expectations.
Northern Lights taken on a fly-in fishing trip to Canada.
01 May, 2020
Now that summer is in its final stretch and summer vacations end, have you thought about one more summer escape before going back to work? Because your kids will also likely be back in school soon, the chance for another family vacation possibly can't happen for months. You also perhaps have a job that won't let you get away that easily. A fly-in fishing vacation is one of the best ways to get your mind rested before taking on the long haul of your career through the fall and winter months. Here at Oak Lake Lodge , we want to make vacation experiences meaningful so you can look back and realize you had a truly relaxing vacation rather than one filled with unnecessary stress. The good news is that we're also open in the fall and winter if you can find a window of opportunity to get away to escape your busy life. Even if you can't, we want you to see why vacationing with us as your summer vacation destination is so important. If you're one who can't really find relaxation in any other tourist spot, we'll show you how we make everyone feel like they're in a different world.
A group of businessmen on a fly-in fishing trip to Canada.
01 May, 2020
Do you desperately need to schedule a team-building corporate retreat, but can't find one that suits your needs? Why not try out the fly-in fishing experience we offer at Oak Lake Lodge? Our one-of-a-kind fishing adventure will offer you the benefits of team-building, while also helping your group relax in the breathtaking glory of natural Canadian beauty.
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02 May, 2020
When you vacation, finding access to food is always an issue, especially when you're traveling with a big family. Having many people along on your trip also means dealing with some picky eaters. When you ultimately can't find the food you want while traveling, it only makes your vacation more of a frustration than a relaxing experience. This is all the more reason why you should try our fly-in fishing vacation package here at Oak Lake Lodge. Meals are never a problem at our lodge because we prepare in advance to make your experience the best it can possibly be. You'll also appreciate our attention to something other vacation spots don't always do: Making sure you never go hungry while still making the food healthy. If the word "healthy" sounds like it shouldn't go on vacation, having a hearty meal already means eating well. You have to keep your energy level up to fully enjoy the pristine nature around you here at Oak Lake Lodge. While providing relaxation for you is our goal, you'll have the privacy of Oak Lake where all-day fishing excursions are available at your leisure. The same goes for archery hunting out in the wilderness that's untouched by excessive amounts of tourists or industries. Despite you vacationing in one of the most undisturbed natural locations on earth, being out in the great outdoors always works up an appetite. It's why we place special emphasis on creating meals we know you're going to love. This includes some of the amazing and large fish you'll catch in Oak Lake that you can enjoy as part of a shore lunch. Take a look at what kind of meals you'll experience for every meal of the day, including the ability to snack when you want to.
Oak Lake Lodge view of docks and cabins.
02 May, 2020
When you hear the term "fly-in fishing", no doubt you immediately picture thoughts of a hideaway vacation. While accurate, you've perhaps created a new definition of what a hideaway vacation is. You've possibly become overly cynical about the term because so many hideaway vacations your family visited in the past didn't live up to expectations. This was even more disappointing considering you paid a significant amount to commune with pristine nature and a promise of few tourists. In reality, there aren't any truly pristine tourist areas left in the world other than deserted islands and uninhabited jungles. Only a few places still exist on earth where you'll get some exceptions. We're fortunate to tell you that we provide exceptions here at Oak Lake Lodge thanks to long-standing stringent plans on limiting tourists. Here in Ontario, Canada, we still have some pristine natural environments left not invaded by excess tourism or industry. The land around our lodge received government approval to stay as pristine as you can get while still allowing limited visitors at a time. We only allow 32 people in every few weeks, so you're never experiencing excess tourists. You'll also find many other differences compared to other so-called hideaway vacations. Maybe you know about other secret locations where you can essentially get lost, at least in the off-season. Even if you can sometimes successfully escape crowds in those places, they don't offer the amenities we do. Let's take a look at some of those differences and why we frequently get singled out as one of the best vacation spots within Canada and the United States. We'll help you redefine what a hideaway vacation really is.
Pork back ribs served at Oak lake Lodge, a fly-in fishing lodge in Canada.
01 May, 2020
There isn't any question that food is a top concern when traveling on vacation. You've probably had more headaches over what to eat than anything else when visiting hideaway resorts, hotels, or even bed & breakfasts. What makes this all the more problematic is the kind of food you'll find in the places where you stay. If you're staying overseas, it sometimes means consuming exotic items you've never had before, which only brings elements of risk. While the above is exciting for some people, it can bring some dangers to your health. The last thing you want is food that could potentially make you sick in a foreign location where medical facilities aren't the greatest. Here at Oak Lake Lodge, we decided that food needed a strong focus on our vacation packages. We knew that when people travel to a vacation destination, they wanted food that's substantive, yet also not overly offbeat to a point where it could cause illness. Also, based on the response of our customers, we understood that most people enjoy having traditional food. Yes, traditional food gives you a sense of home, despite being served here in a remote location where pristine nature surrounds you. Let us show you the kind of traditional food you'll find for your fly-in fishing vacation. We'll show you why it's safer and even healthier than many other foods found in other tourist destinations.
A view of Oak Lake Lodge from the lake. A fly-in fishing lodge in Ontario, Canada.
01 May, 2020
When you decide to experience our fly-in fishing vacation package here at Oak Lake Lodge, you'll immediately notice the sense of peace and quiet you'll have in comparison to other vacations. We'll remind you that when you arrive here, you're a long way from any industry. This means miles and miles of natural surroundings and not the loud bustle of traffic. With our limitations of 32 people per visit, you also eliminate concern about excessive tourists. You won't find many vacation spots on earth that don't have an excess of tourists clogging streets, or even on lakes. This sense of peace might sound like we're too far away from providing outstanding amenities. Keep in mind we fly in and provide more amenities and supplies than most lodges do that exist away from civilization.
Main dining room at fly-in fishing lodge.
01 May, 2020
Experiencing autumn during your fly in fishing vacation here at Oak Lake Lodge is like no other nature experience available in the civilized world. Even if you already live near natural areas and love doing activities in the outdoors during the fall or winter, you probably have to experience an excessive amount of people in those places. Plus if it's a vacation spot, you probably work up a considerable appetite after excessive physical exercise. The problem with the two situations above is that being in nature with too many people already ruins any claims of the surroundings being unspoiled. At a vacation resort, it also means crowded restaurants, leaving you having to wait for food when you want food immediately. You won't find either of the above unfortunate scenarios here at Oak Lake Lodge. The nature here is truly pristine because there isn't any industry around for miles. We also have limitations on how many people we let in at a time, so getting food when you want it isn't a problem. Moreover, you'll have more food here than you can probably digest. Our meals are extremely hearty and generous in their servings. The question is how much of an appetite can you generate while visiting us? When you have cooler weather, invigorating fishing, and hunting all together, you can probably get as hungry as the black bears and moose are when they forage for food this fall.
Muskie fish caught at Oak Lake Lodge
30 Apr, 2020
You've probably heard of that term "vacation from the vacation" more than once and maybe only thought of it as facetious.
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